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Housing Committee Minutes 08/20/07
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                      Monday, August 20, 2007 at 4:30 p.m.


Present:  Andy Goldman, Chairman; Zee Gamson, Jim Feiner, Bill Randol, PersonNameTim Lasker,
              Todd Christy, and Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   None
Guest:     PersonNameRusty Walton

Call To Order
Andy called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

A motion was made, seconded and all members voted to approve the Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2007 as submitted.  

Bussink Subdivision; Homesite Lot (Map 7, placeLot 21)
Tim informed the members of the Bussink subdivision application that came before the Planning Board.  The 17-acre parcel off addressStreetOld Farm Road, when approved, will create five (5) lots; one is designated to be a Homesite housing lot.  Tim stated that once the road into the subdivision has been approved by the Planning Board, the Homesite lot could then be released.  Tim invited all committee members to attend the Planning Board site visit to the Bussink subdivision on August 27, 2007 @ 4:30 p.m.

Homesite Housing Application
The committee reviewed the housing application for its completeness.  There was discussion concerning the legal and liability issues involved with including a CORI request form in the application.  Christina will speak with PersonNameTim Carroll regarding these issues.  Andy asked if the CORI evaluation could be handled through the Chilmark Police Department.  Andy requested Christina to set up a meeting with Tim Rich, Police Chief, to discuss the possibility of the police department processing the CORI checks.   

Other Sources of Affordable Housing
- The Engley House:  After a brief discussion, the committee asked to have Christina
  research the conditions on the property.  PersonNameRusty Walton attended this portion of the
  meeting and informed the committee that the Land Bank Advisory Committee has been
  meeting in executive session to discuss the Engley House.  A decision regarding the
  house and property is expected to be made by September 15, 2007.  Christina will
   contact Rusty for the decision.

- Peaked Hill Property: The committee would like to begin work on an affordable
 housing plan for Peaked Hill property.  After a lengthy discussion, the members agreed
 to inform the Planning Board of the Housing Committee's interest and ask the Planning
 Board to assist in creating a land use plan for this property.  Christina will put this on
 the next Planning Board agenda.

Middle addressStreetLine Road Community Housing Program
Andy updated the committee on the status of the legal documents for Middle Line
Road (MLR), which consists of The Middle Line Road Association, The Middle Line Road Community Housing Association, The Master Declaration of MLR, and the Implementation Guidelines for Homesites and Rentals.  All the documents are in draft form and are being worked on by Andy, Riggs Parker, PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson, Ron Rappaport and Cindy Wansiewicz, from Reynolds, Rappaport and Kaplan and PersonNameRichard Bluestein, Attorney, who is working pro bono.  The next attorney meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.